This is looking in parts as a slightly more dystopian ("all adults", "no crime") but also in some ways more realistic (depressingly so for "basic human evolved architecture") version of Iain M. Banks' Culture universe -- still the only space opera I'd actually like to live in tho.

I absolutely love the two alternative timelines for sex differences, and the idea that chastes present hypermasculine is genius: this suggests that the symbolic "taming the beast" narrative is dominant and all the other needs fulfilled by chastity (gender nonconformity, performance anxieties/feelings of inadequacy for the males and all the problems on the female side from vaginismus to inability to enjoy penetration and orgasm by PIV on the female side etc) are dealt with by other body mods/med tech advances.

It also makes for a very intriguing possibility of the emergence of a dominant chaste class, whether societally or sexually.

I absolutely can't see why hyperfeminine, highly sexed, submissively minded female bodied people wouldn't indulge in chastity too, though?

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I'm not sure, I'd want to live in either of these two futures! They certainly have sexy aspects, but they are a little dystopian in places.

Re your last point: I'm not sure women are drawn to chastity the same way men are. On average, men are drawn to delayed/drawn out orgasm, women to more of them.

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